Friday, May 19, 2017


 This word right here is going to mean so much ,no matter what stage in your life you are going through .Acceptance is one of the last steps you go through when your grieving, afte the anger and denial and the blaming and slef blaming youbfinally accept the situation for what it is .

Who we are and who we wanna be ?

       Remember when we were kids and people asked us what we wanted to be .When I was in the 5th grade and this exact question was asked ,the answers that went around the table were "doctor, police officer, nurse" .And when my turn came up I said "oh a playboy bunny". Everybody looked at me and then started cracking up laughing ,I mean I really didn't have a answer and considering I watched (Girls Next Door) the answer was bound to come out eventually. I guess then I really wasn't concerned about a career I was just making sure I didn't miss Hannah Montana and was up to date on all things Jonas Brothers. But all jokes aside ,why at a young age do we have to choose who we want to be ,I feel constantly that a ticking clock having to pick something. What if I go to school for a career and then don't like it and then I'm stuck, you see what I'm saying .Then people criticize you if you don't go to college and want to do something completely different I'm gonna say this and say it over and over again ,fuck what people say do what makes you happy because at the end of the day ,its about you looking back 20 and 30 years from wondering if you should have did this and that. If u wanna be a magician do it ,you could be the next Houdini or David Blane .Girls if you love science and math don't let no man discourage you from not do so ,Because last time I checked us women are successful in everything we do.