Friday, October 21, 2016

Lana Del Rey please come back to chicago

So sadly I miss Lana every time she comes to Chicago and the the two main reasons are because I don't have anybody to come with me or mainly because I don't have the money,she came this year in May and then came again in July for Lollapolloz
a and I missed that again ,so hopefully she comes back for a Honeymoon tour because I really want to see her live.

Hi everyone

         Hey guys,I don't know who watching or even reading this blog at this moment lol .I just came by to give a positive notion and a good vibe to everybody today ,I hope everyone is having a good day and things are well.I have a quick question :Am I the only one who misses that phase in life where you have responsibility but not to much and things are just fine,I wish I had that again.But no matter how things present themselves they can always be worse so just hope for the best and here's a quote to leave you with brb

Thursday, October 20, 2016


Peyton Sawyer once said"I want my art to mean something ,you know ,like when you see your favorite band live and you have something to believe in again" .That got me thinking when will I have that moment ,times go past and I just don,t know about things anymore,I,
m 18 but feel like i,m 26,like Drake said"am I  really this young to be feeling this old".I wanna be traveling the world ,making clothes ,just experiencing what life is really about,but instead I have to grind harder to even reach those dreams ,my mom didn't give that safety net or that ability to depend on her in my years of being a young adult ,I have to do everything on my own.sometimes I wish I had the help or I wish I had rich parents that had a trust fund set up for me when I turned 18 lmao ,if only we all could be like Naomi for 90210 but hey you have to roll with the punches ,I got to work whenever I can,I got to my college classes despite the long commute ,my days are becoming one big glob and its so boring ,so its up to me to spice it up a little bit.Tell me about your struggles in the comments and how your working to overcome them .

Friday, July 15, 2016

Helllllooo my beautiful people

I hope everybody is doing well and is working towards there goal in life, sadly I still haven't been able to find a job but luckily I will but its really hard when you have applied everywhere lol. Also, summer isn't the same with me as a kid I always wanted to go to summer camp and meet a really cute boy and have a summer fling, or even in high school go to the dopest parties and just have the time of my life. Even if I wasn't able to do all those things .But just know its never too late you can be the one to throw the party and I might be a little to late for the summer camp but  still want to travel the world a little but though so I guess that can replace it .Tell what things your planning on doing before you go back to school or start college let me know in the comments

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Random Post

This is so random I love this picture of Anna Nicole Smith ,she was so pretty , just loved everything about her.So sad to see her gone and its shocking because her daughter is a spitting image of her .

New segment called Question Of The Day

what things or people keep you going to help you achieve your dreams ? Please I want to know feel free to comment ,I love to see where people inspiration comes from and how one person or thing can just change all of that .

Hi ,everybody

Hi, guys sorry Ive been ghost for so long its just life gets in the way of things that are truly important ,I'm been through the ringer and have never came out more stronger and I have my family and friends to thank for there underlying support and everything that they do for us .I also want to make this blog more about us teens or young adults because we go through everyday struggles that even are own mom doesn't know about .So I want to get as many people involved as I
can an make this page more positive that what it already was.